John Sailors- Portfolio -
John Sailors
- Portfolio -
Writing and News
Writing and News
Wi-Fi in the vineyardsAgriculture uncorks new technology
Wi-Fi in the vineyards
Agriculture uncorks new technology
May 11, 2008, East Bay Business Times
The Golden Baseball League enters its fourth season this month with a renewed key corporate sponsorship, new television deals and momentum ... (This feature includes an interview with David Kaval, GBL founder and now president of the Oakland A's.) Read more.
Jun 24, 2007, East Bay Business Times
Sensor and Wi-Fi technologies are putting more science into the art of vineyard management, a business known for clinging to traditional methods. Grape Networks announced what it believes is the largest wireless sensor network for agriculture ... Meanwhile, Livermore's Wente Vineyards ... Read more. Press Club Award
May 30, 2014, San Francisco Business Times
SpaceX founder Elon Musk and company executives on Thursday night unveiled the company's next spacecraft, a space ferry that could carry seven astronauts into low-Earth orbit. (Daily short on Elon Musk, also founder of Tesla Motors, Palo Alto and Fremont.) Read more.
Elon Musk unveils space taxi to ferry astronauts
Elon Musk unveils space taxi to ferry astronauts
Golden Baseball League brings new teams, deals to '08 season
Golden Baseball League brings new teams, deals to '08 season
April 24, 2014, San Francisco Business Times
The NFL's 2014 regular-season schedule, released Wednesday, plots a strong opening for the San Francisco 49ers at the new Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara. (Daily short on the opening games at the San Francisco 49ers' newly built Levi's Stadium.) Read more.
S.F. 49ers to host Bears in first regular-season game at Levi's Stadium
S.F. 49ers to host Bears in first regular-season game at Levi's Stadium
Dec. 3, 2006, East Bay Business Times
Livermore lab's Blue Gene/L supercomputer is still the world's fastest, but Los Alamos' Roadrunner system may leave it in its dust. If successful, Roadrunner will bring with it a new era of computing that will be measured in quadrillions, instead of trillions, of calculations per seconds. Last month's latest Top 500 supercomputer list ... Read more.
Blue Gene leads, but look out for Roadrunner
Blue Gene leads, but look out for Roadrunner
Dec. 6, 2009, Silicon Valley Business Journal
Quantcast Corp. has developed technology that helps broker target advertising on the Internet. The San Francisco startup provides data to companies such as Time Inc., NBC Universal and Bloomberg that helps them sell ads for specific audiences. Read more.
Find your Web audience — then buy it, says Quantcast
Find your Web audience — then buy it, says Quantcast
Educational Publishing: Magazines
Educational Publishing: Magazines

CNN Interactive English
- Publisher: LiveABC, Taipei
- Launched: Oct. 2000
CNN Interactive English is a monthly magazine based on content from CNN. Sold in bookstores around Taiwan, it is packaged with a CD-ROM containing video and computer educational tools. As editor in chief, I helped oversee its design and launch and managed production.
(Samples, page 2.)

Live Interactive English
- Publisher: LiveABC, Taipei
- Launched: May 2001
Live is a lifestyle magazine and multimedia product used in schools and sold in stores in Taiwan, Korea, and Thailand. We produced a 30-minute daily radio program to go with it. Its CD-ROM has video, cartoons, and learning tools. As editor in chief, I oversaw design, launch, and production.
(Samples, page 3.)

Live English News (China)
- Publisher: LiveABC / Xinhua
- Launched: 2001
Live Interactive News was a bestselling multimedia product sold in China. It was produced by LiveABC in partnership with the Xihua News Agency using news video provided by Xinhua. I oversaw the project and personally produced the first two-thirds of the video and text. (Samples, page 4.)

Landmark English
- Publisher: AMC, Taipei
- Launched: Jan. 1998
With Landmark English, we launched a study magazine in a lifestyle format featuring articles on pop culture, movie reviews, and humor. We soon cornered the school market, forcing competitrors to follow our model. A colleague and I created the initial design and sold the company on the lifestyle format.

All Plus Magazine
- Publisher: LiveABC, Beijing
- Launched: 2004
All Plus magazine, an offshoot of LiveABC's Live magazine, is a lifestyle study magazine and CD-ROM aimed at more-advanced speakers. It builds on Live magazine's successful formula.
English 4U
- Publisher: AMC, Taipei
- Launched: Jan. 1998
English 4U magazine, an off-shoot of AMC Publishers' Landmark English, was geared toward lower-level English students, bringing it to a wider market.
Magazines Launched at LiveABC and AMC Publishers, Taipei.
Targets in English E-Books
Targets in English is my own imprint, launched in 2014. For these titles, I have done most of the book design, graphic design and writing.
Amazon's Kindle e-book platform offers powerful study tools such as bilingual dictionaries, audio pronunciation, and flashcards. Kindle's new fixed-layout format combines the elegance of print textbooks with the interactive features of e-books.
Targets in English e-books can be read on any PC or mobile device, PC or Mac, iOS or Android.
Educational Publishing: Books
Educational Publishing: Books

English Idioms Series
This series currently has 8 volumes. The 2017 edition will expand to 10.
English for Baseball
This is the first book in the Targets Sports series. It is also available in print.
English & Customs, Halloween
The first book in the Targets Holiday series, teaching the language of festivals.

LiveABC Books
These books are compilations of content from the early years of Live magazine. Each comes with a CD-ROM containing video or 3-D animation along with powerful computer study tools.
The books sold well in Taiwan, as well as Korea, and Thailand, where they were localized.
They are just a sample of the numerous books and multimedia publications we produced at LiveABC at the time. The company has gone on to publish many more.
LiveTalk Compilation
Award-winning book with sketch comedy dialogues on video (CD-ROM).
Every Occupation
A work-focused multimedia program with video and computer study tools.
Nick & Lisa Travel Dialogues
Travel English from the Nick & Lisa cartoon series, which I worked on over five years.

LiveABC Pict. Dictionary
LiveABC, Taipei. I helped compile the vocabulary and teaching materials for this popular picture dictionary.
Cloze Master
AMC Publishers, Taipei. A colleague and I designed this fine cloze textbook, and I oversaw writing and editing.
English For Series
Xuezhi Publishers, Taipei. English for Job Hunting is one in a six-volume series with humorous illustrations by a colleague, Robert Tetzner.
Step by Step
JTELI Publishing. I wrote and did the page design for this four-volume adult English textbook, for a major language school in Taipei.
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